Financial Assistance Program

Expected Timeline

Funding of the Lumia Financial Assistance program has already begun, and spaces will be limited.

As of now, the Lumia device and Membership program are not yet ready to ship — we are still in pre-orders and ongoing development, with Beta shipping soon.

The expected timeline (subject to change) is as follows:

  • April 2024: The Patient Advisory Council finalized selection criteria for the program, to help determine who will benefit most from how the device functions, how to establish financial need, and help ensure more equitable access for disadvantaged and under-served individuals.
  • June-July 2024: Program announcements will be sent to interested individuals, so they will have consideration time.
  • July-August 2024: Open call for Financial Assistance applications. Applications will remain open for 30 days.
  • End of August 2024: The Patient Advisory Council will review applications and select recipients at the end of the month during their monthly meeting.
  • September-October 2024: Recipients will be notified of the result of their application by email. A prompt response via email can help ensure they do not lose their place. Failure to respond to emails after 3 attempts may mean we move to the next candidate on the list.
  • October-December 2024 (ESTIMATED): Individuals receiving Financial Assistance offers will be onboarded to the program. This timing is an estimate and is subject to change depending on how the Beta, Early Bird and Crowdfunding cohorts roll out.
  • Future: The Patient Advisory Council will review the activity of donor contributions, and make a recommendation on what an ongoing financial assistance program might sustainably look like.

Am I eligible?

Applicants must be adults, reside in the 50 US states, have (or be able to get) an iPhone, have daily symptoms of Orthostatic Intolerance, and have a diagnosed condition associated with drops in blood flow to the head.

They must also be capable of managing both the Lumia™ device and the application, either on their own or with caregiver support. These are the basic qualifications -- financial eligibility will be shared soon for the application process.

Questions & Answers

When can I apply?

We expect to make an open call for applications in July 2024. Please subscribe to email newsletters for announcements.

Do I need a doctor's note?

You will not need to submit a doctor's note or any medical records in order to apply.

How soon will I find out?

If the timeline stays as planned, we will inform applicants of the results of their application in September.

Where did the funds come from?

Funds for this program were generously contributed by your fellow community members, as well as through collaboration with Dysautonomia International.

What kind of support is provided?

Recipients would get a complete Lumia™ device including Light Station and Carry Case as well as one full year of Membership.

At the end of the year you will need to self-fund your ongoing app Membership costs and can continue to keep and use your Lumia™ device.

What if I cannot afford an iPhone?

Having an iPhone that supports iOS 16 or later, and being able to use it, is required to participate. This need not be an expensive phone; refurbished models like the iPhone 2020 SE are as low as $100. Reaching out to community is a good idea, as sometimes someone has an older model they are not using.

Keep in mind . . .

It is possible that our device might not be able to fit a small percentage of people. In the very rare possibility that this happens to someone who was selected for assistance, we would unfortunately not be able to send a device, and would reach out to the next eligible individual in the Financial Assistance Program.